without investment > Web Development As A Business Idea

Web Development As A Business Idea

Most people in this profession start by learning to code.

As a web developer, you will develop valuable skills that are in high demand.

You can start building a website in a few months with cheap or free online training programs like Treehouse, Web Developer Bootcamp on Udemy, and CodeAcademy.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for there, here’s a list of the top 45 places where you can learn to code for free.

Once you have the knowledge of HTML, Ruby, Python, Javascript or CSS, you can start freelancing as a side business idea to build your portfolio and get clients to design new blog designs for you while you maintain your time is perfect.

Listen to my podcast interview with Laurence Bradford on his journey to becoming a freelance web developer.

And over time, you’ll build more relationships, gain more experience, and eventually turn those business ideas into a regular source of income.

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