large investment > Tactile Mattress For Premature Babies, Imitating The Mother’s Heartbeat

Tactile Mattress For Premature Babies, Imitating The Mother’s Heartbeat

Babybe is a system that allows premature baby to feel the heartbeat of mother through tactile contact.

Every year about 15 millions of premature babies appear. And lots of this babies spend about a weak isolated from everything.

During this time baby loses physical and emotional contact with mother, whose presence is limited by only one hour a day.

Earlier platform BabyTime worked on the base of Apple tried to reestablish connection between mother and her child with a help of visual contact.

Now Babybe appeared. And this system allows baby to feel the heartbeat of mother with a help of tactical contact.

According to the opinion of the team which stands behind this innovation. The touch of mother is very important for a small child. And this touch can reduce stress of the young baby.

And doctors agree that tactical contact helps brain to develop much faster.

System Babybe is very difficult to explain. But it works and works very good.

If you have enough money you can invest some money in something like this technology. And profit will be really good.

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