average investment > Smart Shower To Save Water

Smart Shower To Save Water

Eva – is a first in the world “smart shower”. Which will give possibility to check how much water is used already. And user can reduce using of water.

Statistics shows, that one American each time when takes a shower spends about 45 gallons. And it is the biggest spend of water in the house.

For now devices like Ecodrain is an attempt to make shower more ecological. But appearance of new “smart” shower EVA.

According to statement of developers, will open possibility to save water, so this gadget can not only show the usage of water, but also will save it on 50%.

This gadget can easily replace all existent showers, there is no need to change the shower, and it is very easy to install it on existent shower.

After installing this device lots of smart features appear, which help to save water and not to waste it.

For those who prefer to do something before water will heat enough. Eva will check water temperature, and when it is good enough it will block entrance for new cold water, until user will be ready to take shower.

When you take shower, lots of sensors are working, which reduce or increase water supply, it depends on what you do – shave or wash the whole body.

There is possibility to install special app on smartphone so you can see how much water was used already.

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