average investment > Shelf With Audio Speakers

Shelf With Audio Speakers

aSHELF from KREEAFUNK includes several functions and really outstanding design.

This shelf is made to make mood better and to listen to the music.

It is ideal to use in the kitchens and in the bedrooms, offices and so on, possibilities of this shelf are unlimited.

This shelf can easily charge any smartphone or tablet, or any other gadgets, and play music at the same time.

Powerful speakers give it look of luxury and can play all sorts of music you like.

Idea of making aSHELF was invented early winter morning at the cafe Orhus in Denmark.

Idea became a drawing on the napkin and in a while an aSHELF was made.

The main idea was to make a nice looking shelf and functional gadget, and it looks really nice and can play music from almost any gadget.

Scandinavian traditions inspired inventor to make really multifunctional design, and because of it, aSHELF will suite any room of any house.

To make it really good looking all speakers are hidden, so your guest can see only nice looking aSHELF and nothing else.

There are three colors of this invention, they are black, white and natural.

The power of the speakers is about 40 Watt, and it is more than enough to listen to any music you, or your guest wants.

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