large investment > Opening The Hostel

Opening The Hostel

Hostel is a way to accommodate guests, and sleeping place gives them over, which is situated in the big room.

This rooms are for lots of people, and there is no additional service.

Despite such conditions hostels are very popular nowadays, and it is a really good business.


The main thing in this business is that this business is the cheapest for customers. That is why it is very popular among young people.

Tourism in US is very popular and there are lots of guests from other countries, and probably you will have enough money with the help of hostel business.

Be prepared that most of your customers will be young people age before 30 years old.

Hostel is the ideal way for journey and living somewhere not for a long time. And that is why it is ideal for tourism. Tourist can visit different museums for a long time and then he will come to your hostel just to sleep.

Toilet and shower is not situated in the room for guests, usually it is somewhere else, and usually there are not less than 12 cabins.

And cleaning of such cabins is held with the use of disinfectant. It has to be warm water all the time.

As the additional service it can be WiFi, breakfast, and sometimes it is forbidden to smoke in hostels. And sometimes it is forbidden for men and women to live in the same room.


Hostel itself is not a competitor for hotel. The cheap price and lack of TV, shower, and toilet inside the room cuts off lots of customers. But others are yours.

The price can vary, but usually it is about 30 dollars for one bed for a day.

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