large investment > Growing Vegetables

Growing Vegetables

Growing vegetables we can call one of the most perspective business. Many of economists say that food will become more and more expensive.

So growing vegetables looks very promisingly.

First step

First of all you have to:

  • Find good place for growing vegetables.
  • Study the market, do people really need fresh vegetables in your region.
  • Find out, what kind of vegetables you need to grow, which can bring you more profit.

Then you have to figure out how you will sell your vegetables. You can sell to wholesale buyer, and this buyer can even go to your place, but you will earn less money.

You can sell directly to restaurants and shops, but they will ask you to deliver very good quality vegetables, and always in time.


Quality of vegetables is very important, and lots of buyers are ready to buy lots of good quality vegetables and for a good price. For very good vegetables people are ready to pay even 20-25% more.

The main expenses of growing vegetables are:

  • planting stock;
  • plant protection products;
  • fertilizers;
  • rent, construction of buildings, repairs, equipping;
  • costs for the purchase, maintenance of transport and machinery;
  • payment of utility bills;
  • hiring employees.

Technology of growing vegetables.

There are two ways of growing vegetables:

  • Outdoor soil – fields;
  • Closed soil – greenhouse.

One of the best ways to grow vegetables is growing them in greenhouse. Because you can get harvest all the year round.

Every vegetable has its own technology of growing, so you have to learn everything before starting growing vegetables.

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