large investment > Door Handle-Disinfectant

Door Handle-Disinfectant

Everyone knows, that in the places with very big flow of people, and where are doors, door handles collect too much bacteria and germs.

And it is not very good if it is a door in the hospital. And for this purpose PullClean was developed, with a function of door handle and sanitizer. With a help of which hands are sanitized without knowing of people.

Hygiene is a main question for hospitals. Lots of them use sanitizers already, which allows doctors and visitors to disinfect their hands with no problem.

But everyone has to mind on cleaning of their hands in such places. And it is not always on the mind of visitors or doctors. And PullClean proposes elegant solvation of this problem – if someone will open the door, his hands will be sanitized also.

The main part of PullClean is in door handle, with sanitizer inside. And button of sanitizer is pushed when door opens.

There is a smart system inside, and doctors can track, how often they have to change sanitizer liquid.

The same thing can be installed in public restrooms.

This business already exists, but there always place for several players on the market. Investing in such business is not only profitable, but also helps people, and it is pleasant.

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