average investment > Collagenarium Business Idea

Collagenarium Business Idea

Collagenarium is a place where women can get special pharmaceutical procedure and get more collagen to their skin with a help of collagen lamps.

This procedures are in a big demand right now, and that is why you can earn really good money if you are going to start this business.

Collagen is a very important thing in a skin of every woman and it gives really nice look to a skin.

And it is really good for skin’s health, skin gets more oxygen and start all processes of regeneration, so it is really useful if there are some small scars on a skin.

Lots of toxins leave skin during collagen procedures. Which is really good for everyone.

You will need some money to start this business – about 300 000 dollars, and this sum can be little bit bigger.

Why is it so expensive? Because of collagen lamps which are really expensive, you can buy used one, but it is much better to use new collagen lamps.

And you will need to rent a small place for such procedures about 270 square feet is more than enough.

Collagen lamps are safe for everyone and young and not young ladies can take collagen light baths.

But is you didn’t forget – safety first. And you will need to explain your customers for how long can they take collagen baths.

For first procedure they need not to exceed 10 minutes period. Not more then 10 minutes, because skin must adapt to collagen.

And such treatment must not take place more then three times a week.

Such procedures make skin much younger, but it takes several months to have effect, that is why this treatment is a long term treatment, and your customers have to know about it.

If you want to get good profit out of this business you need to find really good place for it. Place is very important in such a business, so don’t hesitate to look for a really good place for your collagenarium.

But unfortunately there are lots of ladies who don’t know about use of collagen, and that is why you will need to arrange really huge campaign in media segment of your town or city.

Online ads and YouTube videos are really important in promotion of this interesting business.

How much time you will need to get your investments back? Probably two years will be more then enough to get all your money back, and you will get pure profit with a help of your collagenarium.

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